An inter-denominational, non-profit ministry established in 1981 to train biblical counselors and teachers and to offer biblical counseling to the community. We are dedicated to bringing honor and glory to God by serving the Body of Christ and assisting local churches.
Examine issues such as self esteem, trials, love, anger, fear and change. The course includes readings from The Holiness of God and weekly assignments submitted to a grader.
A one-year Discipleship Training Program designed to point students in the direction of a caring God who always shows us more grace and mercy than we deserve. Gain a biblical world view to better understand your place in God's kingdom and why, as Romans 7:19 says, For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do - this I keep on doing. Three eight-week courses in the program include lecture and assignments submitted to a grader.
After successfully completing the Discipleship Training Program, enroll in the two-year program designed to expand a student's knowledge and skills in resolving issues from a biblical perspective. Through an in-depth study of Scripture, gain a deeper knowledge and wisdom as to the hearts of mankind. Included are course work, observation of counseling cases, and workshops focusing on various case studies, all designed to teach biblical encouragement.